We are aware that timely delivery is an important part of our service quality. We see it as our responsibility to work with the most professional transport companies.
The general terms and conditions of transport companies will apply additionally.
Our service consists of an obligation to ship; it is accomplished in the delivery of the shipment to the person responsible for transport. After sending, the risk of deterioration and accidental loss of the goods passes to the customer. We are not obliged to assume the fault of the company providing transportation.
Delivery times mentioned in our online shop and in our order acceptance confirmation in accordance with Terms and Conditions are calculated from the date of our dispatch confirmation. We prepare your orders the next working day. Estimated delivery times are to be used as a guide only and start from the date of dispatch.
- Estimated delivery times (Switzerland / Liechtenstein): Within 2 working days
- Estimated delivery times (Other Europe): Within 7 working days
We will make reasonable efforts to deliver the products within the time specified, but we do not accept liability for any failure to deliver within that time.
The risk shall pass upon delivery of the products to the customer. For other details please refer to Terms and Conditions.